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De-stress with 5 habits that will change your life


The 9 to 5 life is hectic – the commute, work, meetings, emails and managing our homes and children – you name it, the hustle never stops. These 5 habits that will help you maintain that all important balance in your life:

Healthy living

Eating healthier is one sure way to get that brain and body fired up for busy days ahead. No, healthy doesn’t mean just salads and fruits but a well balanced diet with all the delicious flavours that are at an arm’s reach. Consuming enough proteins to energise your body can always come in the form of your favourite wrap or sandwich or even steak with a side of greens like kale and spinach to give your body the iron boost it needs. Vitamins are essential to keeping your body optimum and Vitamin C for example helps your body absorb the iron it needs. Oranges, berries, and citrus juice will help the mineral absorption with all the essential fibres and sugar your body needs. Brain food comes in the form of walnuts, eggs, fish, and your ultimate stress relief will come in the form of indulging in some dark chocolate which is not only good for your brain but your soul! You can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience at a supermarket in a HomeCo near you that is sure to fill you up with the essential nutrients you need.


The long hours spent sitting at your desk, you are sure to feel the stress on your back, neck and even eyes. How about correcting your posture at a HomeCo near you by consulting an expert who can help pick the right ergonomic workspace furniture available which will ease your stress with the right posture.


Exercising may seem like added stress, but did you know with just 30 mins of exercise, you could fire up that brain to focus better and be more energetic throughout the day. Joining a gym available at HomeCo is one of the best things you could do for your body to destress and release happy hormones called endorphins. On days you can’t make it to the gym, get yourself a yoga mat and destress with a little stretch in the right places and practice breathing exercises to keep the bad mood at bay.


A massage to ease the kinks is always one way to destress. There are many benefits of getting a massage including increasing your relaxation, reducing pain and muscle soreness, improving circulation, energy and alertness. A relaxing one-hour massage at a professional massage centre at HomeCo will not only ease the muscles but will help you lower your heart rate and blood pressure while improving your immune functions. A massage will help you drift away to slumberland with ease.

A beauty regime

Self-care to de-stress comes in all forms and getting a haircut or even a mani-pedi is a treat for the overworked. Find that stress easing away as you get a delightful head massage at an expert hair stylist salon or a quick reflexology during a manicure and pedicure at HomeCo, your one stop shop for a stress free afternoon. Some stress relievers can not only make you feel good but also look good.